Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tutorial Tuesday: Windlight settings

It never fails to surprise me how many people don't know how to alter their windlight settings to get the best view for their second life avatar! It's almost 2014 and the days of facelights are FAR gone. So, I decided to do a short and foolproof tutorial to catch people up. Keep in mind, this setting works with MOST alternate viewers, not ALL.

1.   Log in and go to world>>>environment editor>>>environment settings and select.


this should bring up a menu for environment settings.

2.   Next, uncheck 'Always use Environment parcel/region settings' and select 'customize my environment.' 


this makes sure that every time you teleport someplace new, your windlight isn't reset to the parcel and allows you to choose what settings you'd like for your viewer.

3.   Now, Select 'Fixed Sky' and scroll through the options next to it choosing whatever one you think looks best, because let's face it: default windlights make you ugly.


 I typically choose either 'pink/purple', '*canimod,' or 'Nam's Optimal skin and prim' for prettiness.

4.   Congrats! If you've followed all steps, your settings and your avatars should look something like this:

Hope this has been helpful lovelies! Until next time!<3

~Ophelia Oskar

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